01 May Claryssa Medina Shavuot (The Feast of Weeks) May 1, 2016 By James Oliver 0 comments In order to fully appreciate what believers now call Pentecost, as awesomely described in Acts 2, let us turn the Bible back to Exodus....Continue reading
07 Apr Claryssa Medina, Passover Why is this night different from all other nights? April 7, 2016 By James Oliver 0 comments Why is this night different from all other nights? The four questions we ask on Passover night On all other n...Continue reading
30 Mar Dr. John Turner Importance of the Land With Recent Archaeological Discoveries March 30, 2016 By James Oliver 1 comment On March 13, 2016, Dr. John Turner preached a message on the importance of the land with recent archaeological discoveries. We are exci...Continue reading