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Our trip to Israel with the Father’s House was truly heart changing. I had heard from people who have been to Israel before and how God seemed to speak to them in the Holy Land. I wondered deep down, would he speak to me, what would it be like, what if he didn’t? With all those thoughts swirling around my head, my prayer was God speak to my heart. As a man, pastor, husband, and dad, I struggle with pride. I did not want to come back and be a know it all about Israel, I wanted to come back with a changed heart. And that’s exactly what happened. Sure, I learned, experienced, and gained tons of knowledge and I will never read the bible the same or preach the same again, but God’s greatest gift to me was a more loving heart. I tell people that Israel made me a better LOVER. I love my wife, my kids, others, and my God more and it’s easier to show it. The second to the last day of the trip John gave us the opportunity to be baptized in the Sea of Galilee. Inside I thought, I’m a pastor, I’ve already been baptized, I baptize others, I don’t need to be baptized. But then at the same time I felt our Father say, Do this for me, humble yourself, who cares what others think or say, do this for me, humble yourself for me. The wrestling match continued until the spirit won out and I got dunked. It was awesome. Humbling but awesome. It just felt right. Thank you for that opportunity. It was one of my highlights.
Distances of populated sites to others were much closer than previously thought; Historically, the same sites were richly reused. Mountains much steeper than pictured before; great effort, thought, & preparation required then & now to scale them & transport goods & people. The Bible is more personally real now in understanding site, task, & time difficulties faced by the Jews. Seeing, hearing, & witnessing the Bible places unfold: “They were here” & “I am in the same place!” The guide and leader of the group were well educated with clear delivery. Safety minded. Compassionate, pleasant, & professional. Free connections on the bus to the internet, laptops, & cell phones. Materials beforehand & “live” on location. More time to study!! I would recommend a Father’s House Trip to others as it was excellent on all counts.
I just keep thinking how I can read the Bible in color now! Being able to “picture” it will change my relationship with God. Also gave me such a hunger to grow in my walk! Thanks for everything. What an amazing time!
Greetings. Me and wife Nelrose was talking about our experience in Israel. We were looking at the pictures and videos we got. Tears of joy and praises to the Father for such a wonderful privilege He has given us through you and Tammy. Our hearts are rejoicing. It has really help us grow in the Lord, and whenever we share God’s word to the congregation it has deeper insights because of what we have seen and learned from the trip. The Bible really came alive and the more intense is our prayer for the peace of Jerusalem. What a blessing and a great impact the trip to us and the ministry. Thank you brother for the ministry of fhef and your generosity. Thank you for yoyr prayers and praying that you can help us financially in the ministry here at rolfc. Love. Tito and Nelrose
How amazing! I can’t wait to go back. Thank you for the privilege to be in the Holy Land last year and dreaming for another trip in His time.
The biggest impact for me was the role women have is so much more impactful than I ever realized. Thank you so much to both you and Roxie. You made it memorable!
I know that I will never be the same and can’t wait to go again. I truly believe that this trip was more than information it was impartation which added such a deeper diminution to the experience. In my particular situation the hand of God literally snatched me out of my world and dropped me into another world completely out of my control and comfort zone. I also think that I was more than surprised of how much I retained from this trip (since I gave up on note taking about the third day) but to my surprise the Holy Spirit was etching some truths into my soul that went far beyond Israel facts and history alone they where personal life lessons. I also had a eye adjustment while there in Israel by the Holy Spirit that has helped me to see my world from a better perspective more filled with hope, more Kingdom fight and better than all that to take the sour things in this life, and with God’s help make lemonade ever time we have opportunity that can sweeten and enrich our lives and those around us. God gave me a fresh grace not to see the wilderness as my enemy anymore and to ask everyday what lessons are there to learn in the wilderness and if God put me in a wilderness place He can speak to me and show me the way, plus the quicker I learn the lessons of the wilderness the quicker I can get into my next season of milk and honey. Several of my parishioners came up to me and asked what has happened to me (IN A GOOD WAY) since returning from this trip and I’m not sure if I can point to any one thing but I do know that God started a fresh work in my heart filled with new hope and a eye for the future. God has used me to help some of my pastor friends that have been burning up in the desert with despair and hopelessness to look for God to speak to them in their wilderness. Thanks so much for being that vehicle that the Holy Spirit could use to light up a worn out soldier of the cross and give him (ME) a fresh wind to fight the good fight another day. As for Your FATHER’S HOUSE team all of you are a God send and a real tool in the hand of God so please keep up the hard but good work and know your labor is not in vain.
After this trip, I will never read God’s word the same as before. Now I have a much clearer understanding, as well as a visual picture in my mind about “The Greatest Story Ever Told” and the bottom line is, it’s not just a story. It is rock solid history, and a love story written by God for His children.
Dear Byron, My brother it has been too long sense I have seen you, Tammy and Isaac. I have such fond memories of our 2011 trip to Israel. I have just returned from the second trip (June 2012). I can tell you that there is no such thing as a bad trip with Father’s House. My first trip was marvelous. The team of you and Moshe did an excellent job and I loved every minute. I was disappointed when I learned that Moshe would not be with us on the second trip. The second trip was as marvelous as the first. We revisited some of the same places and I departed from each with an expanded appreciation, blessing, and understanding of each. That is the way the body of Christ is supposed to work, isn’t it. John Turner and Ron did a masterpiece rendition at repeats and new sites. I so much thank the Lord and Father’s House for making this possible. My life and ministry were changed after my first trip, but the second trip completed the transformation. After 58 years of preaching/teaching the Word, I can tell you that theses two trips have enriched my teaching and reading the Word.
It is amazing and will change your life. I can’t wait until we get to go back!
Format: 4 man/woman scramble. If you don´t have a 4-person team, come anyway and we´ll put you with someone!

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Support Father's House by purchasing the HOT CHILI book!!
Author Byron Stinson has dedicated all proceeds from the sale of this book to benefit Father’s House. Though it is especially geared for truckers, all readers will benefit from these life lessons. Byron and his coauthor, John W. Turner, Jr., detail stories that are sure to invoke sentiments common to any trucker. Both men speak from experience. Not only have they "walked the walk" of the trucking life but they can also "talk the talk." Life as a trucker can seem futile at times. Far from it! Life has a deep and meaningful purpose. This book has been priced to make it easy for you to load up with plenty of copies to give out. Thanks!!

The Father’s Heart…
His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, (Eph 2:15-16)
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. (1 Pet 2:9)