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The trip Father’s House arranged was way far and above anything I expected. I came home with an enthusiasm to learn to read Hebrew for a deeper understanding of the Bible I have been reading for most of my life and accepting at face value. The Father’s House team took us places off the beaten path where archeological current findings authenticate and place the written Word in perspective with the people’s lives that were writing it down. This helped me link a lot of teachings to my daily life. I came home knowing this time in Israel had been time that will open up new opportunities for me.
HAPPY NEW YEAR HAPPY NEW YOU! Year may change but the God we are serving is the same yesterday, today & forever. He is our Immanuel year in and year out. December 2011 @ ROLFC The last month of the year was a year to gather the Harvest of Souls to His fold. The different Campuses had their Christmas Celebration but it was not just it was a Gathering of people whose lives has be connected to God through the effort done by each leaders & members. New faces, happy faces, expectant faces our hearts rejoice when we saw all who came and join. We group the different Campus or Outreach into Cluster: One cluster attendance was 598 (Ruel & Fretzel Yu (Church Leader/couple) William Sasam(youth leader)& Jay Torno(youth). They prepared the programme, Christmas giveaways, food. God is good! Cluster 2- Felix and wife Leng Chagas together with some leaders, gathered 350. Cluster 3 – Albert & Melody Laga together with some leaders gathered 230. Cluster 4 Ian Cayunda & company 100 ( due to heavy rain when the event was held). January 13-15 it will start tonite, Friday we will have our new believers retreat. Expected delegates is more or less 50 people. Please uphold us in your prayers. January 15 Sunday is Nelrose and our son William Victor will be celebrating their birthday. Our firstborn son was born on my wife’s birthday. He is God’s gift to us. Say a special blessing/declaration – prayer for them. Thank you. January 29 Releaser of Life Family Church (ROLFC) will celebrate our 9th year Anniversary-Thanksgiving. On this day’s part of the program will be we will be presenting to the LORD everyone who have been connected to God/ saved last year 2011. Souls who have been ushered to His Kingdom. Fruit of the labor of God’s children. Thank you for your prayers and support for the year 2011 Praying our partnership to continue this 2012 to the Praise of His glory. Indeed our labor is not in vain in the Lord the road may sometimes be bumpy but we never lost focus on our destination, finances may sometimes test us but God supplies and we are rest assured God is with us and you are with us. Your prayers and financial support are much appreciated. Blessings to everyone in 2012.
I have been challenged in several areas spiritually and will be using this next year to work through some of the spiritual truths that were shared on the trip. On my first trip to Israel two years ago, I felt like it was more learning about the places and what happened there, but on this trip I really sensed a greater connection between the places we visited with the spiritual themes being emphasized. The repeated spiritual truths and connections were great. I am so grateful John got to share spiritual insights I could grasp. He greatly increased the spiritual growth experience and was always ready to answer my many questions. Ron was also easy to understand and I appreciated his teaching as well. I thought it was great how well they worked together to help us understand the spiritual truths related to what we were seeing. The boat ride on the Sea of Galilee was a spiritual high this trip. After experiencing the wilderness, the beauty of the sea and the worship music was very moving.
I want to extend my gratitude for a fantastic experience. I am already having a wonderful time with God, processing what I have learned! Thanks again for a wonderful trip. God is doing wonderful things through Father’s House.
It wasn’t a trip that changed my faith at all. It was very confirming though to go to places and find things and see things that I’ve read about in a context. That was probably the best thing about it because it gave a context that’d be hard to get unless you’ve been there and seen it. A lot of times you read things from the Scriptures and you understand the point but not having the surrounding context of the places and things of that nature, it’s hard to really understand what it was like.
The trip was even better than I had thought it would be. It helps me read the Bible with better understanding with the information I received. Education is to help one clearly and effectively pass information and knowledge on to others. I have found renewed excitement in doing this after the trip. I was impressed with coordination and enthusiasm of the staff before, during and after the trip. The entire experience was wonderful. The leadership of the staff of Father’s House, the fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ, and the endless flow of knowledge and information from Moshe made everything outstanding. It was life changing. I am ready to go back.
The biggest life changing experience ever, because it made me want to get into my Bible. And that has changed my life. I went on the original trip with Father’s House in 2008 and it is still true today. I can’t wait everyday to get into His Word. Having been there where it happened, walking where Jesus walked, makes it come alive and gives understanding I could never get any other way. I’ve been on lots of other trips and by the end of the 10 days or 2 weeks or whatever, I just want to get home and sleep in my own bed. Not Israel. I was home. I was home.
God is real and His word is proven true.
How amazing! I can’t wait to go back. Thank you for the privilege to be in the Holy Land last year and dreaming for another trip in His time.
I am so very thankful and grateful to the FHEF for allowing me to travel with the Paschal-Hope Group. I can’t express the pure joy of being in the Holy Land! Everything was perfect from start to finish. What a privilege to have 10 glorious days of nothing but the Lord Jesus Christ on our agenda!!! I absolutely loved our times of reading the Bible, praying, singing and worshiping together. Moshe was so informative, enthusiastic and passionate concerning everything he shared with us about Israel. Sami was an awesome driver and a joy to be with; Moshe and Sami make a great team. Byron was so very caring and watchful and made the trip easy for us! I enjoyed getting to know so many loving, kind and joyful Christian brothers and sisters. The entire trip increased my love for Israel and the Jewish people. But the most important event of the trip for me was: my love, devotion, excitement and joy in Him was dramatically increased+++ I was in love with Him before the trip, but now I am melted and submerged in Him with joy inexpressible….TO HIM BE ALL THE GLORY PRAISE AND HONOR FOREVER MORE…. AMEN AND AMEN+++ His servant, Betty Robinson
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Support Father's House by purchasing the HOT CHILI book!!
Author Byron Stinson has dedicated all proceeds from the sale of this book to benefit Father’s House. Though it is especially geared for truckers, all readers will benefit from these life lessons. Byron and his coauthor, John W. Turner, Jr., detail stories that are sure to invoke sentiments common to any trucker. Both men speak from experience. Not only have they "walked the walk" of the trucking life but they can also "talk the talk." Life as a trucker can seem futile at times. Far from it! Life has a deep and meaningful purpose. This book has been priced to make it easy for you to load up with plenty of copies to give out. Thanks!!
The Father’s Heart…
His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, (Eph 2:15-16)
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. (1 Pet 2:9)