
Journey Spotlight – Roy Achemire

Each month, we like to spotlight someones journey. We want to encourage those of you who have been on a journey with us to submit a testimonial.

August Journey Spotlight comes from Roy Achemire who went on the June 2016 Journey to Israel!


Even after studying the materials suggested before going on this wonderful experience, I see that it is almost impossible to visualize and understand G_d’s word without seeing it in context.

Just as the settlers and Native Americans used the materials that were at hand for their shelters, so did the Israelites.  I had never pictured homes, inns, stables, castles and fortresses built in chalk limestone caves, but that was what was available to shelter them.

Seeing, no, experiencing the recent archeological discoveries will touch your soul just as Pilgrims to the Promised Land have been moved for years. Praising G_d at the same locations that Israelites praised him in the past may bring you to tears of joy.

It was easy to see individual members of our tour group were touched at different locations we visited according to their needs and G_d’s gifts. Come home to the Promised Land, even if it only for a short time, your life with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit will grow, especially as you share your experiences.

It is very easy to share the Word, when you are asked about your trip to the Promised Land.

Roy Achemire