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HAPPY NEW YEAR HAPPY NEW YOU! Year may change but the God we are serving is the same yesterday, today & forever. He is our Immanuel year in and year out. December 2011 @ ROLFC The last month of the year was a year to gather the Harvest of Souls to His fold. The different Campuses had their Christmas Celebration but it was not just it was a Gathering of people whose lives has be connected to God through the effort done by each leaders & members. New faces, happy faces, expectant faces our hearts rejoice when we saw all who came and join. We group the different Campus or Outreach into Cluster: One cluster attendance was 598 (Ruel & Fretzel Yu (Church Leader/couple) William Sasam(youth leader)& Jay Torno(youth). They prepared the programme, Christmas giveaways, food. God is good! Cluster 2- Felix and wife Leng Chagas together with some leaders, gathered 350. Cluster 3 – Albert & Melody Laga together with some leaders gathered 230. Cluster 4 Ian Cayunda & company 100 ( due to heavy rain when the event was held). January 13-15 it will start tonite, Friday we will have our new believers retreat. Expected delegates is more or less 50 people. Please uphold us in your prayers. January 15 Sunday is Nelrose and our son William Victor will be celebrating their birthday. Our firstborn son was born on my wife’s birthday.  He is God’s gift to us. Say a special blessing/declaration – prayer for them. Thank you. January 29 Releaser of Life Family Church (ROLFC) will celebrate our 9th year Anniversary-Thanksgiving. On this day’s part of the program will be we will be presenting to the LORD everyone who have been connected to God/ saved last year 2011. Souls who have been ushered to His Kingdom. Fruit of the labor of God’s children. Thank you for your prayers and support for the year 2011 Praying our partnership to continue this 2012 to the Praise of His glory. Indeed our labor is not in vain in the Lord the road may sometimes be bumpy but we never lost focus on our destination, finances may sometimes test us but God supplies and we are rest assured God is with us and you are with us. Your prayers and financial support are much appreciated. Blessings to everyone in 2012.
Tito & Nelrose SasamPastorsReleaser Of LIfe ChurchDavao City, Philippines


Format: 4 man/woman scramble. If you don´t have a 4-person team, come anyway and we´ll put you with someone!

We Need Your Support!

Father’s House is funded 100% by congregations, businesses, and individuals who believe in our mission. We give thanks for every faith-filled donation in any amount. Here, you can set your tax deductible gift as a one-time or monthly recurring payment. Thank you!

Support Father's House by purchasing the HOT CHILI book!!

Author Byron Stinson has dedicated all proceeds from the sale of this book to benefit Father’s House. Though it is especially geared for truckers, all readers will benefit from these life lessons. Byron and his coauthor, John W. Turner, Jr., detail stories that are sure to invoke sentiments common to any trucker. Both men speak from experience. Not only have they "walked the walk" of the trucking life but they can also "talk the talk." Life as a trucker can seem futile at times. Far from it! Life has a deep and meaningful purpose. This book has been priced to make it easy for you to load up with plenty of copies to give out. Thanks!!

The Father’s Heart…

His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, (Eph 2:15-16)

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. (1 Pet 2:9)