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After hearing many stories from my husband about his journeys to Israel, I was able to go with him 2 years ago. Even after hearing these stories, I was not prepared for what I actually saw and experienced. His words and stories could not do justice to the actual experience. Being able to see and go to the places Jesus went was amazing. Now, the Bible has truly come alive for me and I can visualize these places as I read. I’m not able to just read the Bible anymore, I’m able to live it.
Part of me wants to say a hundred ways how much Mom and I love each one of you and how the journey with each of you (sovereignly chosen by God) has forever imprinted our lives. And, and part of me, on this quiet day back home, just wants to simply say, “Thank you!” Thank you for all your prayers and acts of kindness towards Mother and me. John and Roxie called us to meditate of Psalm 91 in anticipation of our trip and this morning I read it again, and I thank the Lord for who He is. Join me in praising Him. “…He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”…If you make the Most High your dwelling– even the Lord, who is my refuge– then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent. For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;…”Because He loves me,” says the Lord, ” I will rescue him [her]; I will protect him [her], for he [she] acknowledges my name. He [She] will call upon me, and I will answer him [her]; I will be with him [her] in trouble, I will deliver him [her] and honor him [her]. With long life will I satisfy him [her] and show him [her] My salvation.” And He has…and He does…and I thank Him. Thank you, again, for your prayers and acts of kindness. Know you each remain in our prayers for God to give you rest and refreshment, and for God to sweetly whisper His truth and grace to you…to lead you in His path all the days of your life. We’ll never be the same, will we, since this journey. He is good and you are beautiful.
I, too, have been giving glowing compliments for the wonderful trip sponsored by Father’s House. In fact, my Bible Study Fellowship class has asked me to give a short program soon. How do I choose just three or four exciting sights to talk about? I believe the well organized planning by Father’s House resulted in all aspects to be well executed. Even the small details such as mementos, i.e., the certificate from the Antiquities Salvage Operation and the Scriptural Birth Certificate yet to come are thoughtful special gifts. I guess the only negative thing would be that Ancient Pathway’s itinerary was too ambitious. It could be more realistic and therefore disappointments are kept to a minimum. We didn’t get to tour Herodian or enjoy the Dead Sea but we did get to the top of Masada! Which was one of my highlights. Thank you very much for the wonderful experience and yes, one day, I would love to go on another tour with you. Warmest regards, Ann Moore
Father’s House, Thank you so much for the time, energy and care you put into our Israel trip. I am so grateful for the loving attention you gave to our group from Pedernales River Fellowship. May the Lord continue to bless you as you serve Him. In Christ, Greg
Dear Byron and John; I want to thank you both for the opportunity to be a part of the recent trip to Israel. It was a wonderful experience for me and I was blessed in a big way. I’m still processing many of the things we experienced. I appreciate your investment that allowed me to be involved. You all did a great job and you are a blessing, not only to me but to God’s people here and in the Holy Land. May the Lord continue to bless you, your families, and the Father’s House. With sincere gratitude, Mark Greenroy
Dear Byron, I thank the Lord for you and the ministry of Father’s House! My family an dI were so blessed by our fellowship with you and the other members of the team visiting the Holy Land these last weeks. Our faith was strengthened as we witnessed the historical accuracy of God’s Word affirmed through the sites we visited. We gained a greater appreciation for our Jewish heritage and the foundational importance of every “jot and tittle” of the Old Testament. Finally, our enthusiam for the study of the Scriptures has known no bounds as the Spirit uses the events and teaching of the trip to expand our insight into the Word. May the Lord bless you for your generosity, and may He help us to be good stewards of the insights to greatly increase His kingdom! Gratefully in Christ,
My trip to Israel was amazing! I was told before we left by a good friend that God had a gift for me, and boy did he. I was touched in so many ways as we toured the sites and I listened to the teachings. I was especially blown away at the city of David and hearing all the teachings and seeing all the history. We ended our stop their with time in the upper room, and for me it all came together. The entire journey Jesus took for the Father, came together for me in that moment. I realized exactly what his purpose was and what message he came to deliver. It was powerful and overwhelming to say the least.
For me in that moment, I truly believe I had a greater understanding of the Gospel and all that Jesus means historically and symbolically. I can now understand what he means to the gentiles, but after experiencing that moment with God, I now understand the message he was sent to deliver to Israel and the chosen people of God. In the upper room Jesus’ actions cried out I am the king of Jews, and in doing so he also hammered home the point that he is the Messiah. It was truly powerful for me to understand more about the time Jesus spent here on earth, and how God was sending such a powerful message to the entire world. God in that moment said I am the rightful king, but I came to do something even greater for all of mankind. It was an act of love that when sitting in the places where they took place, will bring you emotionally, spiritually, and physically to your knees.
Hi Sir Byron, My memories of Israel are refreshed by just reading this. Thanks for sharing it, Sir. We love you, ma’am Tammy and the Father’s House family. Indeed, the impact of that trip with the FH (January of 2010) is still fresh and unforgettable. The zeal, the vision, focus and purpose is unquenched even up to this very day. We are committed to do the main thing God called us to do, which is to love Him with all our hearts and to love our neighbors as ourselves and to teach God’s commands diligently to our children and to our children’s children. Simple, but this truth never came to life within me, no not until we went to the Holy Land and received great spiritual treasures beyond words. I can go on and on, but I still don’t know how to describe God’s amazing grace. So let me just say again, thank you Father’s House Educational Foundation for obeying God’s call and vision. You are strengthening the under-shepherds that God called to full-time ministry in helping, training the saints, and advancing His cause. Hallelujah! -Bro Armand V
I will never read the Bible the same again. I learned things I should have already known, but they just seem to come to life there. It seems so much more real or maybe 3 dimentional now. Very Personal. Trip of a lifetime. Every believer should try to go at least once. I loved the Lord before I went but now it is an even deeper Love. There is just nothing like the understanding from being right there where it all happened.
I knew a year ago that I wanted to go on the Israel trip. I saw the transformation in Roxie that I knew that I wanted to go if the opportunity came about. When we arrived in Israel we were greeted with welcome home. This is really appropriate since Israel is the birthplace of Christianity. Our family roots are there. My heart seems tied to Israel in a way I can’t really describe. For me the trip has really created more of a hunger to understand God’s Word and pay attention to every jot and tittle. I’m having fun seeing connections that I’ve never seen before. I loved seeing the covenant signs Israel having fun seeing passages about covenants. We stood at the gate where Boaz gave his right sandal to redeem Ruth. We learned that right is right and left is wrong. Right is clean and left is unclean. Then in Gilgal where the children of Israel had their camp when they crossed in to the Promised Land there is a huge outline of a “right” foot/sandal in boulders in the midst of the camp. What a reminder that they were in a conditional covenant with the Lord. If they obeyed they would be blessed if they disobeyed they would be cursed. Now go with me to The Cave of John the Baptist. You go into the cave and then descend steps that lead into the water. Before you get to the water you find a deep impression of a foot. Those coming to be baptized would put their foot in the depressions cleanse and anoint it and then go into the water to be baptized. Afterwards, they would come out of the water and break the jar against the wall of the cave. What a picture of no longer being a slave to sin that would have been for them. They have entered into a new covenant written on their hearts. Now picture us at the wailing wall. What a visual of Israel breaking covenant with the Lord. They are standing on the outside of a broken wall to worship. I was so moved standing at the wall, touching it, and praying for Israel and the Jews. What a privilege to be a Gentile believer and to be in a covenant relationship with the Lord. Our sign of being in covenant is the seal of the Holy Spirit that was given to us when we believed in Christ.
Format: 4 man/woman scramble. If you don´t have a 4-person team, come anyway and we´ll put you with someone!

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Support Father's House by purchasing the HOT CHILI book!!
Author Byron Stinson has dedicated all proceeds from the sale of this book to benefit Father’s House. Though it is especially geared for truckers, all readers will benefit from these life lessons. Byron and his coauthor, John W. Turner, Jr., detail stories that are sure to invoke sentiments common to any trucker. Both men speak from experience. Not only have they "walked the walk" of the trucking life but they can also "talk the talk." Life as a trucker can seem futile at times. Far from it! Life has a deep and meaningful purpose. This book has been priced to make it easy for you to load up with plenty of copies to give out. Thanks!!

The Father’s Heart…
His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, (Eph 2:15-16)
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. (1 Pet 2:9)