
Calling All Intercessors!!

As a special group of women are preparing for their Women at the Well journey to Israel in July, we invite you to intercede on their behalf.  The Word instructs us . . .

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people.  

1 Timothy 2:1

Worship, intercession, prayer

This will be the first Father’s House women only journey to Israel. Specific prayer requests for this group of ladies and for John and Roxie Turner, who will be teaching alongside Moshe Bronstein, include:

  • Safety and protection during their travel to and from Israel.
  • That God uses John and Roxie Turner in a powerful way to serve these ladies and teach.
  • That these women will have eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit is speaking and showing them.
  • That there will be Holy Spirit encounters full of wisdom and revelation for everyone in attendance.
  • That an immeasurable deposit of love, peace and joy will abide in these women as they return to their homes.