
Reviving the Cities

The Holy Spirit is moving in a supernatural way in the Dallas Fort Worth area. Image may contain: cloud, sky, outdoor and nature ReviveTX is a movement that recently united many congregations within the DFW Metroplex for the sake of seeing the community revived by the power of the Gospel.

From Easter to Pentecost, April 16 , through June 4, 2017, teams were scattered throughout 10 regions to preach the Gospel and share the love of Jesus. Through this movement, ReviveTX saw:

  • 2,685 New believers
  • 1,989 People seeking Discipleship and Follow Up
  • 22,781 People went out into the community to share the Gospel
  • MANY people were healed

Jesus is alive, and the Holy Spirit is moving powerfully as it says in Acts 2:17.

“‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams;

Yesterday as ReviveTX wrapped up 50 days in the Dallas Fort Worth area, the following two powerful photos were taken in downtown Dallas that beautifully depict His promise to pour out His spirit on all creation!

If you or your church would like ReviveTX to come to your area, please email Wade Aaron at waaron@timetorevive.com or go to … http://www.timetorevive.com/about/invite-us/.   They are looking for humility, unity, and hunger within the churches!!

Enjoy this highlight video from the past 50 days:
