Announcement, Dr. John Turner, Journeys, Uncategorized

StoneWater Steps Up

StoneWater Steps Up

Father’s House and StoneWater Church have come together in special ways already. The faith of one of their members was the catalyst for our Men’s Journey to Israel in 2015. Out of that came many follow up StoneWater journeys to Israel and Jordan. Now, they are again breaking new ground. Thirty (30) StoneWater students have signed commitments and begun an intensive training and discipleship process that will carry them all the way through the upcoming school year. The culmination of this training will be their Father’s House Journey to Israel next summer. There will never be a more prepared and practiced group than THIS group of dedicated students. You’ll be hearing more about them as the year progresses!

Meanwhile, here is what Dr. Joey White, Church Planting Pastor, wrote on behalf of the entire StoneWater leadership team:

Shalom John,

StoneWater Church will be financially supporting The Father’s House at $500 per month starting July 2017.

Our church has been thoroughly blessed by your ministry and friendship.

We look forward to many more years of partnership and ministry with The Father’s House.

Love you, Brother.

Thank you, Joey and StoneWater Church for your energetic partnership and faithfulness.

