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Ward Hudson Called to Serve

Ward Hudson, called to serve

[Ward is serving on the new Father’s House Board of Directors as a representative of StoneWater Church. The Lord called him to do this even before we spoke to him about it. Here is the story in his own words.]

My first introduction to the Father’s House Educational Foundation was from a church member in Glen Rose who mentioned that I should check into a trip to the Holy Land. I dismissed this initial mention thinking that I would never be able to go to Jerusalem.

But in the fall of 2014, a dear friend named Mike told me that he was working with the Father’s House to put together a men’s trip for February 2015. He said he felt that I should go. I was excited about the opportunity, but I wasn’t sure how it would all work. Mike is a true servant and blessed me with the trip.

Those days in Israel were truly life changing for me, the teaching provided by Moshe and John helped connect the spiritual dots that I had been working on through my own personal study. When studying the scripture, there is always a need to understand the Jewish context.

Last month, when I read John’s email about the changes that are taking place at Father’s House and the transition to a faith based ministry, I was moved to action. I felt compelled to pursue the opportunity to serve with Dr. Turner and Father’s House. My wife Vivian and I prayed about becoming involved. I called to consult with one of my pastors at StoneWater Church, Joey White. After receiving his blessing, I reached out to John. Vivian and I are now committed to partner financially, prayerfully and through serving with Father’s House.

The focus on living within what The Father provides is what really stirs my heart. That is ultimately how we should all live our lives. When God provided manna in the wilderness, it was enough for each day. And there was a double portion to carry the people of God through Shabbat. The Father’s House future will be based on what the Father provides. So I challenge you to come before your Father and ask him how you should support Father’s House Foundation.



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