Announcement, Dr. John Turner

Exploring the New Normal of Father’s House

Dear Father’s House Family,

This is John Turner. Roxie and I feel so blessed! Since our last update on August 1, much has happened. Step by step, we have been exploring the new normal of Father’s House and experiencing the first-fruits of an exciting future.

Out of respect for your time, this is a shortened version of a slightly longer report I am sending our board, corps of volunteers, and financial supporters. If you want a copy of that more detailed summary, we are delighted to share it. Simply ask for it by sending an email to

Now, just to be sure: When I say new normal, do you know what I’m talking about?

If you’re like me, you cannot open every email that crowds your inbox every day.  (And this is only the third update we’ve sent in the last five months). So, you may or may not be aware of the major changes the Father’s House organization is going through right now. If you have not yet heard, you can get up to speed with the following links:

  1. The original big announcement went out on June 5, entitled “Father’s House Survives Until September.”
  2. The follow up on August 1, filled with testimonies of God’s faithfulness, was headlined, “Father’s House Rapidly Moving into a New Future!

Today, when you go to our homepage, you read these words: Father’s House is funded 100% by congregations, businesses, and individuals who believe in our mission.

You realize that this is totally new, right? Prior to September 2017, Father’s House was primarily financed by our incredible, visionary, sacrificial, and generous founders, Byron and Tammy Stinson. In the providence of God (as the above links explain), the sun has now set on that day. It is over, and in the faithfulness of God, a new day is dawning. From now on, Father’s House exists by the grace of God at work through believers like you who have been blessed by this ministry and, in turn, want to multiply the blessing to others through prayerful and practical support.

No pressure! Just the pleasure of serving the Father together.

Roxie and I are resolved to 1) live within our means, 2) never borrow money, 3) make decisions in faith, and 4) fear not. We are also resolved to work in harmony with the new, fully functioning Father’s House Board of Directors who will oversee the ministry’s integrity and assure that all things are done decently, in order, and in line with the ministry’s stated purposes. (More on this below)

So, to quote our dear friend Moshe, “Where are we?”

Remember the bare bones budget of $5,900 per month, mentioned in the June article? We are 40% there in regular monthly commitments. This is remarkable because, since that original article, we have done very little to reach out and talk with people about finances. We’ve been too busy!

The day by day walk through this major transition has required multiple mandatory steps. As we have taken each one, the Father has faithfully been there to provide just in time at every turn. Every bill is paid!

We are working and trusting the Lord, in his own time, to raise up more congregations, businesses, and individuals who will become faithful supporters. Will you be the next one? We need you!

Another piece of the present financial puzzle is also remarkable. Roxie and I have experienced a series of Holy Spirit led, perfectly timed, larger than average, singular gifts to the ministry. These have kept us going! Truly, they have been spiritual markers of the Father showing up and revealing his favor and hand upon this ministry. They are like promises of things to come, holy and precious.

Without taking you now into a long, drawn-out travel log, here is a high-level short list of the last five months. Again, if you want a copy of the more detailed report, which elaborates on each of the points below, all you have to do is ask (see my email address above):

  1. We have slimmed our overhead expenses to an economical, highly efficient minimum.
  2. We have simplified our operations to sow more strategically into our core mission of education.
  3. We have structured and called together a brand new Board of Directors to share the ministry and assure long life and future growth. (This new Board met for the first time on October 8. We will soon do a separate news article to introduce them.)
  4. We have seen God mightily at work in unmistakable ways.

Thank you for being in the Father’s House family!

As the Lord prompts you to participate financially, you may give online anytime by clicking Donate Now on the Father’s House home page, or you can just click here. Note that you are provided the convenient option, if you wish, to set up regular recurring gifts.

If you prefer, you can mail your donation to:

Father’s House Educational Foundation
P. O. Box 3099
Glen Rose, TX 76043



Dr. John W. Turner, Jr.
Chairman and Executive Director
Father’s House Educational Foundation