05 Apr Testimonials Unforgettable Experience Dear John, Thank you for your kindness and generosity in preparing us for this trip to Israel, our flights, insurance, and insight to ...Continue reading
05 Apr Uncategorized There Is A Deep, Spiritual Stirring In My Soul April 6, 2009 Dear Byron, John, and Father's House, Thank you so much for sending me to Israel. I have tried to wait to write a than...Continue reading
05 Apr Uncategorized The Greatest Journey I Have Been On In My Life This was the greatest journey I have been on in my life. I've not been out of the states, never even been to Mexico and all of a sudden...Continue reading
05 Apr Testimonials Completely Life Changing For Me Personally The trip was really totally and completely life changing for me personally and for me as a Pastor because it allowed me to see the Bibl...Continue reading
05 Apr Testimonials The second trip was as marvelous as the first. Dear Byron, My brother it has been too long sense I have seen you, Tammy and Isaac. I have such fond memories of our 2011 trip to Isr...Continue reading
05 Apr Testimonials God is doing wonderful things through Father’s House. I want to extend my gratitude for a fantastic experience. I am already having a wonderful time with God, processing what I have learne...Continue reading
05 Apr Testimonials I have since told Scott, “you can’t ever go without me!” You and the Fathers House Foundation have been a mighty instrument in the Lords hand to change my life forever. Scott and I have dreame...Continue reading
05 Apr Uncategorized It is as if blinders have been removed from my spiritual eyes! Words cannot express the gratitude I feel towards you for what you have done in my life. A number of years ago when I was doing some wo...Continue reading
05 Apr Uncategorized They will never view the Word of God in quite the same light again The recent trip to Israel was a tremendous blessing. I personally have been able to travel to the Promised Land now on three differen...Continue reading
23 Mar Uncategorized “I literally saw the Bible come alive!” The phrase that I use over and over again when people ask me about my trip to Israel with the Father's House Foundation is "I literally...Continue reading